Yesterday's outing in 2467 showed that the electrics are back to normal, as they are with LC8518, and 9554's gearbox should now be ok, so we are hoping for a good turn out of vehicles at Brislington.
This weekend L8515 and 2138 are off to an event at Ilton, near Yeovil on Saturday (thanks Malcolm and David), whilst on Sunday 2138 and 2150 are taking members of the Wells Railway Fraternity from Keynsham to Fawley, the Sir Robert Mcalpine railway. Last year we took the Fraternity to the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway and a really good day was had by all, but one can't but help notice the performance of the MW coaches against modern ones! Warwick and I will have aching right feet on our return Sunday evening, trying to keep the Gardner throttle return spring down on the M4 motorway between Chippenham and Reading!
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