Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Ups and Downs

Good news on NAE3 - the broken camshaft was it seems the only (identifiable) problem, and she should be now be on her way back up from Winkleigh.

Today Malcolm and I went to get NHY947 out of storage so that she could go to Chepstow to have an oil change (she runs better on oil rather than an oil/water mix!) ready for Duxford, but she wasn't having it and it sounds like the fuel is not getting up to the engine - so she had to be left there, and although NAE3 will now go to Duxford, NHY will not!

We took 972EHW over to TDC at Lydney (at just over 30 miles per hour!) for a wooden rear door to be fitted ready for winter storage, and Malcolm brought FHW156D back (no COIF yet) ready for the weekend. The Duxford convoy will consist of NAE3, BHU92C, FHW156D, a Stagoach (Gloucester) RM and a Bath Bus Company 10-plate East Lancs open topper, although the convoy will probably not join up until Chevely services, since David fricker is using BHU on a private hire in Swindon on the way up, and all but NAE3 will probably not leave until lunchtime!

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